Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription
Sharp Edge Dice Subscription

Sharp Edge Dice Subscription

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The subscription box will include a new sharp edge dice set delivered to you each month. Each set will be a brand new design made specifically for the backers.  Each 7 piece set will include one of each of d20, d12, d10, d00 (Percentile), d8, d6, and d4. The photos include examples of previous sharp edge dice.

All subscriptions paid in one month are sent the next month by the 15th. For example, all payments in January are for the February set to be shipped by February 15th 

The next delivery will be April (for all subscriptions paid in March) with Fortune. Fortune is a a silver liquid core with half gold/orange and half clear resin inked in white